Bisley Manor Court Roll 9 February 1850

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Conditional Surrender William Glazier to Henry Roker
Be it remembered that out of Court to wit on the ninth day of February one thousand eight hundred and fifty William Glazier of Bisley in the County of Surrey Laborer and one of the Customary Tenants of the said Manor in consideration of  one hundred and twenty pounds of lawful money of the United Kingdom to the said William Glazier in hand well and truly paid by Henry Roker of Godalming in the said County of Surrey Miller Did out of Court surrender into the hands of the Lord of the said Manor by the hands and acceptance of Joseph Hockley of Guildford in the County of Surrey Gentleman Steward of the said Manor by the rod according to the custom of the said Manor One Acre of land part of a parcel of land called Miles Grove within this Manor and which said acre adjoins to Miles Green on the South to the Copyhold land called Wheat Leaz on the West to other part of Miles Grove on the North and to one acre other part of Miles Grove on the East to which he was admitted tenant at a Court Baron holden for the said Manor on the twenty sixth day of September one thousand eight hundred and Six  And also all that Copyhold Messuage now divided into two tenements since erected and built by the said William Glazier on the said piece of land or on some part thereof with the appurtenances and now in the occupations of the said William Glazier and Henry James Scriven And all houses outhouses ways paths passages waters watercourses common and common of pasture And all other commonable rights hedges ditches fences liberties privileges  profits commodities advantages emoluments and appurtenances whatsoever to the said messuage or Tenements land or ground hereditaments and premises belonging or in any wise appertaining And the reversion and reversions remainder and remainders of the same hereditaments and premises and of every part thereof And all the Estate right title interest claim and demand whatsoever of him the said William Glazier of in to or out of the same hereditaments and premises  To the use and behoof of the said Henry Roker his heirs and assigns for ever according to the custom of the said Manor. Provided always and upon this condition nevertheless that if the said William Glazier his heirs executors administrators or assigns or some or one of them do and shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said Henry Roker his executors administrators or assigns the full and just sum of one hundred and twenty pounds with interest for the same after the rate of five pounds per cent per annum on the ninth day of August now next ensuing without any deduction or abatement whatsoever thereout for or on account of any rates taxes charges assessments or impositions whatsoever then this surrender to be void and of none effect or else to be and remain in full force and virtue  William Glazier ~ taken and accepted on the day and year first above written by and before me Joseph Hockley Steward  In the presence of E J Howell Guildford.  Received the day and year first above written of and from the above named Henry Roker the sum of one hundred and twenty pounds being the consideration money above mentioned to be paid by him to me £120  William Glazier  Witness E J Howell
[Margin note:  Be it remembered that Henry Potter of Farnham in the County of Surrey gentleman and Edward Stedman of Godalming in the same County Wine Merchant did by Writing under their hands bearing date the third day of May One thousand eight hundred and eighty four acknowledge that they had received of and from William Glinsley of Bicester in the County of Oxford Fishmonger by the direction of Robert Scott Lorraine of  Pewsley in the parish of Hillingdon in the County of Middlesex Coal Merchant the sum of Eighty pounds in satisfaction of all Principal Moneys and Interest secured by this Conditional Surrender and did direct and require the Steward of this Manor to enter up satisfaction thereof on the Court Rolls of this Manor.
As witness my hand this tenth day of December One thousand eight hundred and eighty four Ferdinand Smallpeice Steward]

Examined by
Joseph Hockley