Bisley Manor Court Roll 28 Oct 1796

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A Special Court Baron of the Right Honourable George Lord Onslow and Cranley Lord of the said Manor there held for the said Manor on Friday the Twenty Eighth day of October in the Thirty seventh year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Third by the grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King  Defender of the faith and so forth And in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and ninety six Before Joseph Hockley Gentleman Deputy of Joseph Pickstone Gentleman Chief Steward there.

The Homage

James Martin  Foreman - Sworn          
William Spong  - - Sworn        

The Homage present that Elizabeth the Wife of  John Dudman who held of the Lord of this Manor by Copy of Court Roll at the will of the Lord according to the custom of the said Manor jointly with the said John Dudman her Husband and their Assigns for and during the Term of their natural Lives and the Life of the longest liver of them And from and after the decease of either of them to the Survivor of them the said John Dudman and Elizabeth his Wife and the Heirs and Assigns of such Survivor for ever  All that one Close of Land by Estimation Two Acres abutting upon the Land formerly of Humphrey Field on the North and West and the Lane leading from Bisley Green toward Velley Green on the East and Two Acres of Land lying in the Common Field called Neltro with the Appurtenances in Bisley aforesaid by the Yearly Rent of Six Pence Heriot Suit of Court and other Services And also all that Messuage or Tenement commonly called or known by the Name of Newbridge House situate lying and being in Bisley aforesaid with the Barn Orchard Garden and other Appurtenances to the same belonging by the Yearly Rent of Ten Pence Heriot Suit of Court and other Services some time since departed this Life so seized leaving him the said John Dudman her Husband her surviving.
At this Court came into Court in his proper Person John Dudman of Bisley in the County of Surrey Farmer one of the Copyhold or Customary Tenants of this Manor and Surrendered into the hands of the Lord of the said Manor by the Rod and by the acceptance of the said Steward and according to the Custom of this Manor  All that his one Close of Land by Estimation Two Acres abutting upon the Land formerly of Humphrey Field on the North and West and the Lane leading from Bisley Green toward Velley Green on the East and Two Acres of Land lying in the Common Field called Neltro with the Appurtenances in Bisley aforesaid held by the Yearly Rent of Six Pence Heriot Suit of Court and other Services And also all that Messuage or Tenement commonly called or known by the Name of Newbridge House situate lying and being in Bisley aforesaid with the Barn Orchard Garden and other Appurtenances to the same belonging held by the Yearly Rent of Ten Pence Heriot Suit of Court and other Services  And also all that his one undivided Moiety or Half Part of and in All those three Closes of Land formerly four Closes called Brizes containing by Estimation four Acres (more or less) with the Appurtenances lying and being in the Parish and Manor of Bisley heretofore in the Tenure of George Rempnant Junior and since of Moses Evered held by the Yearly Rent of Four Pence Heriot Suit of Court and other Services  And also all that his other undivided Moiety or Half Part of and in All those three Closes of Land formerly four Closes called Brizes containing by Estimation four Acres (more or less) with the Appurtenances lying and being in the Parish and Manor of Bisley heretofore in the Tenure of George Rempnant Junior and since of Moses Evered held by the Yearly Rent of Four Pence Heriot Suit of Court and other Services And all his Estate Right Title and Interest therein and thereto To the only Use and Behoof of James Spong of Chobham in the County of Surrey Farmer his Heirs and Assigns for ever according to the Custom of the said Manor And to or for no other Use Intent or Purpose whatsoever.  Now at this Court upon the first Proclamation came into Court in his proper Person the said James Spong and humbly prayed to be admitted to All that one Close of Land by Estimation Two Acres abutting upon the Land formerly of Humphrey Field on the North and West and the Lane leading from Bisley Green toward Velley Green on the East and Two Acres of Land lying in the Common Field called Neltro with the Appurtenances in Bisley which came into the hands of the Lord of this Manor on the Surrender of the said John Dudman To whom the Lord of this Manor by his Steward aforesaid granted the same To hold to him the said James Spong his Heirs and Assigns forever by Copy of Court Roll at the will of the Lord according to the Custom of the said Manor by the Yearly Rent of Six Pence Heriot when it shall happen Suit of Court and other Customs and Services therefore formerly due and of right accustomed And he gave to the Lord as a Fine for such his Admittance as appears afterwards  He is Admitted Tenant thereof hath Seizin by the Rod but his Fealty is respited.
Also at this Court upon the first Proclamation came again into Court in his proper Person the said James Spong and humbly prayed to be admitted to All that Messuage or Tenement commonly called or known by the Name of Newbridge House situate lying and being in Bisley with the Barn Orchard Garden and other Appurtenances to the same belonging which came into the hands of the Lord of this Manor on the Surrender of the said John Dudman To whom the Lord of this Manor by his Steward aforesaid granted the same To hold to him the said James Spong his Heirs and Assigns forever by Copy of Court Roll at the will of the Lord according to the Custom of the said Manor by the Yearly Rent of Ten Pence Heriot when it shall happen Suit of Court and other Customs and Services therefore formerly due and of right accustomed And he gave to the Lord as a Fine for such his Admittance as appears afterwards  He is Admitted Tenant thereof hath Seizin by the Rod but his Fealty is respited.
Also at this Court upon the first Proclamation came again into Court in his proper Person the said James Spong and humbly prayed to be admitted to All that one undivided Moiety or Half Part of and in All those three Closes of Land formerly four Closes called Brizes containing by Estimation four Acres (more or less) with the Appurtenances lying and being in the Parish and Manor of Bisley heretofore in the Tenure of George Rempnant Junior and since of Moses Evered held by the Yearly Rent of Four Pence Heriot Suit of Court and other Services  which came into the hands of the Lord of this Manor on the Surrender of the said John Dudman To whom the Lord of this Manor by his Steward aforesaid granted the same To hold to him the said James Spong his Heirs and Assigns forever by Copy of Court Roll at the will of the Lord according to the Custom of the said Manor by the Yearly Rent of Four Pence Heriot when it shall happen Suit of Court and other Customs and Services therefore formerly due and of right accustomed And he gave to the Lord as a Fine for such his Admittance as appears afterwards  He is Admitted Tenant thereof hath Seizin by the Rod but his Fealty is respited.
Also at this Court upon the first Proclamation came again into Court in his proper Person the said James Spong and humbly prayed to be admitted to All that other undivided Moiety or Half Part of and in All those three Closes of Land formerly four Closes called Brizes containing by Estimation four Acres (more or less) with the Appurtenances lying and being in the Parish and Manor of Bisley heretofore in the Tenure of George Rempnant Junior and since of Moses Evered held by the Yearly Rent of Four Pence Heriot Suit of Court and other Services  which came into the hands of the Lord of this Manor on the Surrender of the said John Dudman To whom the Lord of this Manor by his Steward aforesaid granted the same To hold to him the said James Spong his Heirs and Assigns forever by Copy of Court Roll at the will of the Lord according to the Custom of the said Manor by the Yearly Rent of Four Pence Heriot when it shall happen Suit of Court and other Customs and Services therefore formerly due and of right accustomed And he gave to the Lord as a Fine for this and his three former Admittances as appears in the Margin [Fine in the whole £15]  He is Admitted Tenant thereof hath Seizin by the Rod but his Fealty is respited.
And immediately after such the Admission of him the said James Spong he the said James Spong being still present in Court in his proper Person Surrendered into the hands of the Lord of the said Manor  by the Rod and by the Acceptance of the said Steward according to the Custom of the said Manor  All and singular the said Messuage or Tenement Closes Moieties Lands Hereditaments and Premises to which he had just before been Admitted And all his Estate Right Title and Interest therein and thereto To the use and behoof of him the said John Dudman his Heirs and Assigns for ever  Provided always nevertheless that if the said James Spong his Heirs Executors or Administrators do and shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said John Dudman his Executors or Assigns the full Sum of Two hundred and fifty Pounds with lawful Interest for the same on the twenty Eighth day of April next ensuing the date hereof Then this surrender to be void or else to be and remain in full force and virtue.

Also at this Court came again into Court in his proper Person the said James Spong and Surrendered into the Hands of the Lord of this Manor by the Acceptance of the said Steward by the Rod and according to the Custom the said Manor  All and every the Copyhold or Customary Messuages Lands Tenements and Hereditaments of him the said James Spong held as Parts or Parcels of this Manor To the Use and behoof of such Person or Persons and for such Estate or Estates therein as he the said James Spong shall in or by his last Will and Testament in writing give will limit devise or appoint the same.

The Homage also a certain Surrender taken out of Court and since the last Court in the following Words Viz.t “Manor of Bisley in the County of Surrey  Be it Remembered that on the Twenty first day of October in the Year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and Ninety six William Piercy of Henley upon Thames in the County of Oxford Farmer one of the Copyhold or Customary Tenants of the said Manor came before Joseph Pickstone Gentleman Steward of the said Manor out of Court and Hath Surrendered and by these presents Doth surrender into the hands of the Lord of the said Manor by the Rod and by the acceptance of the said Steward and according to the Custom of the said Manor  All that Parcel of Copyhold Land called Wheat Leaz with the Appurtenances containing by Estimation Ten Acres be the same more or less situate lying and being in the Parish of Bisley in the County of Surrey and within the Manor aforesaid held by  the Yearly Rent of One shilling Heriot when it shall happen Suit of Court and other Customs and Services therefore formerly due and of right accustomed  And also all that one Close of Land containing by Estimation Two Acres be the same more or less called or known by the Name of Loompitts Close or Brickkiln Close situate lying and being in the said Parish and Manor of Bisley held by  the Yearly Rent of Two Pence Heriot when it shall happen Suit of Court and other Customs and Services therefore formerly due and of right accustomed And all the Estate Right Title Interest Property Claim and Demand whatsoever of him the said William Piercy of in and to the said Premises or any part or parcel thereof  To the only proper and absolute Use and Behoof of William Wallden of the Parish of Horsell in the County of Surrey Farmer his Heirs and Assigns for ever according to the Custom of the said Manor And to or for no other Use Intent or Purpose whatsoever. William Piercy – This Surrender was taken the Day and Year above written by the Acceptance of me Joseph Pickstone Steward”
Whereupon at this Court upon the first Proclamation came into Court in his proper Person the said William Wallden and humbly prayed to be admitted to All that Parcel of Copyhold Land called Wheat Leaz with the Appurtenances containing by Estimation Ten Acres be the same more or less situate in the Parish and Manor of Bisley which came into the hands of the Lord of this Manor on the Surrender of the said William Piercy To whom the Lord of the Manor aforesaid by his Steward aforesaid granted the same To hold to him the said William Wallden his Heirs and Assigns forever by Copy of Court Roll at the will of the Lord according to the Custom of the said Manor by the Yearly Rent of one shilling Heriot when it shall happen Suit of Court and other Customs and Services therefore formerly due and of Right accustomed And he gave to the Lord as a Fine for such his Admittance as appears afterwards  He is Admitted Tenant thereof hath Seizin by the Rod but his Fealty is respited.
And also at this Court upon the first Proclamation came again into Court in his proper Person the said William Wallden and humbly prayed to be admitted to All that one Close of Land containing by Estimation Two Acres (more or less) called or known by the Name of Loompitts Close or Brick kiln Close situate and being in the said Parish and Manor of Bisley which came into the hands of the Lord of this Manor on the Surrender of the said William Piercy To whom the Lord of this Manor by his Steward aforesaid granted the same To hold to him the said William Wallden his Heirs and Assigns forever by Copy of Court Roll at the will of the Lord according to the Custom of the said Manor by the Yearly Rent of Two Pence Heriot when it shall happen Suit of Court and other Customs and Services therefore formerly due and of Right accustomed And he gave to the Lord as a Fine for such his Admittance as appears in the Margin [£13 2s 6d]  He is Admitted Tenant thereof hath Seizin by the Rod but his Fealty is respited.
And immediately after such the Admission of him the said William Wallden he the said William Wallden being still present in Court in his proper Person Surrendered into the hands of the Lord of the said Manor by the Rod and acceptance of the said Steward All and every the same Parcel of Land called Wheat Leaz and the  said Close of Land called Loompitts Close or  Brick Kiln Close and Hereditaments with their Appurtenances And all his Estate Right Title and Interest therein and thereto To the use and behoof of James Stedman of the Parish of Horsell in the County of Surrey Nurseryman his Heirs and Assigns for ever  Provided always that if the said William Wallden his Heirs Executors or Administrators do and shall pay to the said James Stedman his Executors Administrators or Assigns the Sum of Two hundred Pounds with lawful Interest for the same on the twenty Eighth day of April next ensuing the date hereof Then this surrender is to be void but not otherwise.
[Margin note: Be it remembered that at a special Court Baron held for the Manor of Bisley on the first day of April one thousand eight hundred and two James Stedman in this surrender named acknowledged in open Court that he had received all principal and interest due on the surrender.  Joseph Pickstone Stew.d of s.d Manor]

Also at this Court came again into Court in his proper Person the said William Wallden and Surrendered into the Hands of the Lord of this Manor by the Rod and acceptance of the said Steward according to the Custom the said Manor  All and every his Copyhold Messuages Lands Tenements and Hereditaments holden by him as parts or parcels of this Manor To the only Use and behoof of such Person or Persons and for such Uses Trusts Estates Limitations and Appointments as he the said William Wallden shall in or by his last Will and Testament in writing give will limit direct or appoint the same.

At this Court came into Court in his proper Person Moses Beauchamp one of the Copyhold or Customary Tenants of this Manor and in open Court Surrendered into the Hands of the Lord of this Manor by the Rod and Acceptance of the said Steward   All that one Messuage or Tenement called Goddins with a Barn and all other the Buildings Curtilages Gardens and Orchards thereto belonging and three Pieces of Land with the Appurtenances thereto adjoining whereof one is called Mead Close containing by Estimation Three Acres with the Appurtenances lying in Bisley within this Manor held by the Yearly Rent of ______ Heriot Suit of Court and other Services And also all those two Closes of Arable Land containing by  Estimation Three Acres with the Appurtenances lying in Bisley within this Manor held by the Yearly Rent of ______ Heriot Suit of Court and other Services   And all his Estate Right Title and Interest of in and to the same and every part thereof  To the only use and behoof of  James Stedman of Bisley aforesaid Yeoman his Heirs and Assigns for ever and to or for no other Use Intent or Purpose whatsoever Whereupon at this Court upon the first Proclamation came into Court in his proper Person the said James Stedman and humbly prayed to be admitted to the said Messuage or Tenement called Goddins with a Barn and all other the Buildings Curtilages Gardens and Orchards thereto belonging and three Pieces of Land with the Appurtenances thereto adjoining whereof one is called Mead Close containing by Estimation Three Acres with the Appurtenances lying in Bisley within this Manor and which came into the hands of the Lord of this Manor on the Surrender of the said Moses Beauchamp To whom the Lord of the said Manor by his Steward aforesaid granted the same To hold to him the said James Stedman his Heirs and Assigns forever by Copy of Court Roll at the will of the Lord according to the custom of the said Manor by the Yearly Rent of                              Heriot when it shall happen Suit of Court and other Customs and Services therefore formerly due and of right accustomed And he gave to the Lord as a Fine for such his Admittance as appears afterwards  He is Admitted Tenant thereof hath Seizin by the Rod but his Fealty is respited.
And also at this Court upon the first Proclamation came again into Court in his proper Person the said James Stedman and humbly prayed to be admitted to the said two Closes of Arable Land containing by  Estimation Three Acres with the Appurtenances in Bisley which also came into the hands of the Lord of this Manor on the Surrender of the said Moses Beauchamp To whom the Lord of the Manor aforesaid by his Steward aforesaid granted the same To hold to him the said James Stedman his Heirs and Assigns forever by Copy of Court Roll at the will of the Lord according to the custom of the said Manor by the Yearly Rent of                              Heriot when it shall happen Suit of Court and other Customs and Services therefore formerly due and of right accustomed And he gave to the Lord as a Fine for this and his former Admittance as appears in the Margin [£12]  He is Admitted Tenant thereof hath Seizin by the Rod but his Fealty is respited.
Also at this Court came again into Court in his proper Person the said James Stedman and Surrendered into the hands of the Lord of this Manor by the Rod and Acceptance of the said Steward according to the custom of the said Manor  All and every his Copyhold Messuages Lands Tenements and Hereditaments held as Parts or Parcels of this Manor To the Use and Behoof of such Person or Persons and for such Estate or Estates therein as he shall in and by his last Will and Testament in Writing give will limit direct or appoint the same.

Exam.d by
Joseph Pickstone