Bisley Manor Court Roll 26 April 1904

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At a Special Court Baron of The Right Honorable William Hillier Earl of Onslow Lord of the said Manor held for the said Manor on Tuesday the Twenty sixth day of April in the fourth year of the reign of Our Sovereign Lord Edward the Seventh by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of all the British Dominions beyond the Seas King Defender of the Faith and in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and four Before Humphrey Percy Smallpeice Gentleman Deputy of Frederic Ferdinand Smallpeice Gentleman Chief Steward there.

Absolute Surrender Marshall Pontifex to Roderic Bryant Shearburn
At this Court came here into Court Roderic Bryant Shearburn of Snaith in the County of York Esquire by Ferdinand William Smallpeice his Attorney and delivered to the said Deputy Steward a certain Absolute Surrender taken out of Court and since the last General Court to wit on the Twentieth day of February One thousand nine hundred and four Whereby Marshall Pontifex of No. 16 St Andrew Street Holborn Circus in the City of London Gentleman a Copyhold tenant of the said Manor by Cecil Edgar Hart of Castlegate Guildford in the County of Surrey Solicitor his Attorney in consideration of the sum of Five shillings paid to him the said Marshall Pontifex by the said Roderic Bryant Shearburn did Surrender by the Rod into the hands of the Lord of the said Manor by the hands and acceptance of the Deputy Steward according to the custom of the said Manor All that messuage or tenement with garden and buildings containing One rood and thirty six perches Also a farmyard and buildings containing two roods and fourteen perches Also a lane containing one rood and thirteen perches Also a close of Meadow land called “Middle Brook” containing one acre one rood and fifteen perches Also a close of Meadow land called “Further Brook” containing one acre one rood and seventeen perches Also a close of Meadow land called “Part of Mead” containing one rood and thirty four perches Also a close of arable land called “House Field” containing five acres and thirty nine perches Also a close of arable land called “Coppice Field” containing four acres and three roods Also a close of arable land called “Barn Field” containing five acres and three roods and thirty one perches All which said premises hereinbefore described contain together twenty acres one rood and thirty nine perches or thereabouts and are portion of a farm situate at Bisley in the county of Surrey known as “Bull Rowzen Farm” and constitute part of the hereditaments to which Edward Elsdale Clark late of Snaith aforesaid Gentleman (who died on the thirteenth day of July one thousand eight hundred and ninety one) and the said Marshall Pontifex were admitted tenants at a Special Court Baron held for the said Manor on the thirtieth day of May one thousand eight hundred and seventy three To the use of the said Roderic Bryant Shearburn his heirs and assigns according to the custom of the said Manor by and under the rents fines heriots suits and services therefor due and of right accustomed
[Margin Note: I hereby certify that the Surrender herein was duly stamped. As witness my hand  Ferdinand Smallpeice Steward]

Admission of Roderic Bryant Shearburn
And thereupon at this Court upon the first proclamation came here again into Court the said Roderic Bryant Shearburn by his said Attorney and humbly prayed to be admitted tenant to All that the said messuage or tenement with garden and buildings containing One rood and thirty six perches Also a farmyard and buildings containing two roods and fourteen perches Also a lane containing one rood and thirteen perches Also a close of Meadow land called “Middle Brook” containing one acre one rood and fifteen perches Also a close of Meadow land called “Further Brook” containing one acre one rood and seventeen perches Also a close of Meadow land called “Part of Mead” containing one rood and thirty four perches Also a close of arable land called “House Field” containing five acres and thirty nine perches Also a close of arable land called “Coppice Field” containing four acres and three roods Also a close of arable land called “Barn Field” containing five acres and three roods and thirty one perches All which said premises hereinbefore described contain together twenty acres one rood and thirty nine perches or thereabouts and are portion of a farm situate at Bisley in the county of Surrey known as “Bull Rowzen Farm” pursuant to the said Surrender To whom the Lord of the manor aforesaid by his Deputy Steward aforesaid granted the same and delivered seisin thereof by the Rod To hold to the said Roderic Bryant Shearburn his heirs and assigns for ever by Copy of Court Roll at the will of the Lord according to the custom of the said Manor by the yearly rent of eight shillings heriot when it shall happen suit of Court and other services and customs therefor formerly due and of right accustomed And so the said Roderic Bryant Shearburn was by his said Attorney admitted tenant of the said premises accordingly and gave to the Lord as a fine for such his admittance as appears in the margin [£45] had seisin by the rod and his fealty was respited

Ferdinand Smallpeice 

Know all Men by these Presents that I Marshall Pontifex of No. 16 Saint Andrew Street Holborn Circus in the City of London Gentleman one of the copyhold or customary tenants of the Manor of Bisley in the County of Surrey Do hereby appoint Cecil Edgar Hart of Castlegate Guildford in the County of Surrey Solicitor my Attorney for me and in my name to appear at the next or any subsequent Court to be holden for the said Manor or before the Lord or Lords Lady or Ladies or Steward or Deputy Steward of the said Manor out of Court and then and there to surrender into the hands of the said Lord or Lords Lady or Ladies either personally or by the hands and acceptance of the said Steward or Deputy Steward by the rod according to the custom of the said Manor All those the copyhold or customary hereditaments described in the Memorandum of Surrender hereto annexed To the use of Roderic Bryant Shearburn of Snaith in the County of York Esquire his heirs and assigns according to the custom of the said Manor as in such Memorandum of Surrender expressed  And to execute and do all such further assurances and things as shall be necessary or proper for procuring the said Roderic Bryant Shearburn his heirs or assigns to be admitted tenant or tenants of the said hereditaments And I hereby agree to ratify and confirm whatsoever my said Attorney shall do or purport to do by virtue of these presents And I hereby declare that this power shall be irrevocable for six calendar months from the date hereof.
In witness whereof I the said Marshall Pontifex have hereunto set my hand and seal the nineteenth day of February One thousand nine hundred and four – Marshall Pontifex – Signed sealed and Delivered by the before named Marshall Pontifex in the presence of E Percy Smyth 16 St Andrew Street Holborn Circus  Solicitor

Ferdinand Smallpeice 