Bisley Manor Court Roll 11 April 1904

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At a Special Court Baron of The Right Honorable William Hillier Earl of Onslow Lord of the said Manor held for the said Manor on Monday the Eleventh day of April in the Fourth year of the reign of Our Sovereign Lord Edward the Seventh by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland King Defender of the Faith and in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and four Before Humphrey Percy Smallpeice Gentleman Deputy of Frederic Ferdinand Smallpeice Gentleman Chief Steward there.

Absolute Surrender John Over to Rose Ella Chandler
At this Court came here into Court Rose Ella Chandler of  Bisley in the County of Surrey Spinster by Ferdinand William Smallpeice her Attorney and delivered to the said Deputy Steward a certain Absolute Surrender taken out of Court and since the last General Court to wit on the Twenty eighth day of March One thousand nine hundred and four Whereby John Over of York Town in the County of Surrey Outfitter a copyhold tenant of the said Manor in consideration of the sum of One hundred and thirty five pounds to him paid by the said Rose Ella Chandler surrendered into the hands of the Lord of the said Manor by the Rod and by the hands and acceptance of the Deputy Steward for that turn and purpose only and according to the custom of the said Manor All that piece or parcel of land or ground containing Four acres one rood and twenty four perches situate and being in Westbourne Mead in the Parish of Bisley in the County of Surrey bounded on the North and North west in an irregular line partly by old enclosed land formerly the property of Daniel Gosden and now of _________ and partly by old enclosed land formerly of William Tringham and now of _________ and on the East in an irregular line and also on the South by land now or formerly belonging to the Estate of the late Richard Collyer and on the West by an allotment awarded to John Robinson and which piece or parcel of land or ground is numbered 16 on the Inclosure plan for the parish of Bisley and  is numbered 10 on the Ordnance Map for the same Parish and was subject to the right of way more particularly referred to in the admission of Esther Mersh to the said piece or parcel of land on the Seventeenth day of May One thousand eight hundred and sixty To the only proper use and behoof of the said Rose Ella Chandler her heirs and assigns for ever To hold by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the custom of the said Manor by and under the yearly rent of Seven pence (part of a yearly rent of One shilling and three pence) fines heriots suits and services therefor due and of right accustomed
[Margin Note: I hereby certify that the Surrender herein was duly stamped. As witness my hand  Ferdinand Smallpeice Steward]

Admission of Rose Ella Chandler
And thereupon at this Court upon the first proclamation came here again into Court the said Rose Ella Chandler by her said Attorney and humbly prayed to be admitted tenant to All that the said piece or parcel of land or ground containing Four acres one rood and twenty four perches situate and being in Westbourne Mead in the Parish of Bisley bounded on the North and North west in an irregular line partly by old enclosed land formerly the property of Daniel Gosden and now of _________ and partly by old enclosed land formerly of William Tringham and now of _________ and on the East in an irregular line and also on the South by land now or formerly belonging to the Estate of the late Richard Collyer and on the West by an allotment awarded to John Robinson and which piece or parcel of land or ground is numbered 16 on the Inclosure plan for the parish of Bisley and  is numbered 10 on the Ordnance Map for the same Parish and was subject to the right of way more particularly referred to in the admission hereinbefore referred to pursuant to the said Surrender To whom the Lord of the manor aforesaid by his Deputy Steward aforesaid granted the same and delivered seisin thereof by the Rod To hold to the said Rose Ella Chandler her heirs and assigns for ever by Copy of Court Roll at the will of the Lord according to the custom of the said Manor by the yearly rent of Seven pence Heriot when it shall happen Suit of Court and other services and customs therefore formerly due and of right accustomed And so the said Rose Ella Chandler was by her said Attorney admitted tenant of the said premises accordingly and gave to the Lord as a Fine for such her admittance as appears in the margin [£8] had seisin by the Rod and his fealty was pardoned

Ferdinand Smallpeice 

15th April 1904
Conditional Surrender of Rose Ella Chandler to Susannah Ifould
On the 15th day of April 1904 there was presented to the Steward of this Manor a certain Conditional Surrender Whereby the above named Rose Ella Chandler in consideration of One hundred pounds paid to her by Susannah Ifould of Wokingham Berks surrendered into the hands of the Lord of the said Manor All that piece or parcel of land above described to the use of the said Susannah Ifould and her heirs subject to a condition that if the said Rose Ella Chandler should on the 15th day of October then next pay to the said Susannah Ifould the sum of One hundred pounds with interest after the rate of Five pounds per cent per annum the Surrender should be void

Ferdinand Smallpeice 
[Margin note: Be it remembered that on the 9th day of January 1919 Susannah Ifould in this Surrender named did by writing under her hand acknowledge that she had received from Rose Ella Soper the wife of _______ Soper formerly Rose Ella Chandler Spinster the sum of One hundred pounds owing on the security of this Surrender and did thereby direct the Steward of this Manor to enter up satisfaction of this Conditional Surrender on the Court Rolls of the said Manor  Ferdinand Smallpeice Steward]