Southwark Bank, also known as Bloxham & Co., originated in 1791 when Sir James Sanderson, Robert Harrison, Brenchley, Bloxham & Co. started a banking house at St Margaret’s Hill, Southwark.  The firm went through several partnership changes.

In 1805 the business moved to 27, Gracechurch Street in the City of London; it was now styled Sir Matthew Bloxham, Wilkinson, Taylor and Bloxham. Despite being initially situated south of the Thames the bank was, to all intents and purposes, a London bank.  Bloxham & Co. were the London agents for a number of provincial banks.

The bank failed in 1809.

Cheque issued by Southwark Bank


This bank was started in Southwark sometime early in the 19th century.  In 1817 the partnership was Joseph Smith (son of Richard Carpenter Smith of Farnham and Surrey Bank) and his son Storey Carpenter Smith.  At this time they were acting as the London agents for the Farnham and Surrey Bank then run by James Stevens & Co.


The firm was started in 1795, in the Borough, Southwark, by Messrs. Weston, Pinhorn, Golding, Newsome and Weston.  Sir John Pinhorn had left the bank of Bloxham & Co. which had started four years earlier.  The firm went through a series of name changes before being styled, in 1847, C A Young and Young junior.

In 1849, in consequence of his son’s death, Mr Young sold the business to the London & Westminster Bank and Young & Son thus became the first private bank to be taken over by a joint-stock bank.

Despite being 'south of the river' and thus outside of the City, the bank was to all intents and purposes a London bank.